CPE para transporte Ethernet com tecnologia EFM (Ethernet First Mile) ,através de até 1 porta Ethernet e 2 canais de linhas SHDSL.bis, utilizando o padrão 2Base-TL. Os equipamentos implementam a agregação dos canais físicos de acordo com a Cláusula 61 do IEEE 802.3 (PAF - PHY Aggregation Function). Desta forma, taxas efetivas de até 22 Mbit/s podem ser atingidas em distâncias superiores a 2km ...
Configuração Modem Titanium EFM
aaa off
unit remote
vlan-list add 10 0
vlan-list add 100 0
interface bond wan1 1 4
interface mgt1 ip
interface mgt1 link up
interface mgt1 dhcp none
interface mgt1.1 ip
interface mgt2 ip
interface mgt2 link up
interface mgt2 dhcp none
interface mgt2 switch-port mode access
interface mgt2 switch-port access vlan 100
interface mgt2.1 ip
interface fe1 media auto
interface fe1 link up
interface fe1 oam off
interface fe1 switch-port mode access
interface fe1 switch-port access vlan 10
interface wan1.1-4 annex auto
interface wan1.1-4 psd sym
interface wan1.1-4 pwrbo forced 0
interface wan1.1-4 rate auto
interface wan1.1-4 switch-port mode trunk
interface wan1.1-4 switch-port trunk add 10
interface wan1.1-4 switch-port trunk add 100
ntpclient off
oam mode passive
oam off
route add 1
snmp community no-view public rw
sys contact unknown
sys location unknown
sys name LP_3834-1092
sys secret admin 1Er4UuTuXj.96
sys secret guest 1Er4UuTuXj.96
sys timeout 300
sys timezone -3
sshserver off
telnetserver on
webserver on
Loop Status Annex Rate SNR Margin Loop Att.
1 discon. - - - -
2 discon. - - - -
3 discon. - - - -
4 discon. - - - -
Verificar erros do modem
LP_37140496_ID__EFM_2m:show interface wan1.1-4 counters
Loop 1 Counters Last: 15 minutes 8 hours 24 hours 1 week
Code Violations (CV): 0 0 0 0
Errored Seconds (ES): 0 0 0 0
Severely Errored (SES): 0 0 0 0
Unavailable Seconds (UAS): 0 0 0 0
Loss of Sync Word (LOSWS): 0 0 0 0
Loop 2 Counters Last: 15 minutes 8 hours 24 hours 1 week
Code Violations (CV): 0 0 0 0
Errored Seconds (ES): 0 0 0 0
Severely Errored (SES): 0 0 0 0
Unavailable Seconds (UAS): 0 0 0 0
Loss of Sync Word (LOSWS): 0 0 0 0
Loop 3 Counters Last: 15 minutes 8 hours 24 hours 1 week
Code Violations (CV): 0 0 0 0
Errored Seconds (ES): 0 0 0 0
Severely Errored (SES): 0 0 0 0
Unavailable Seconds (UAS): 0 0 0 0
Loss of Sync Word (LOSWS): 0 0 0 0
Loop 4 Counters Last: 15 minutes 8 hours 24 hours 1 week
Code Violations (CV): 0 0 0 0
Errored Seconds (ES): 0 0 0 0
Severely Errored (SES): 0 0 0 0
Unavailable Seconds (UAS): 0 0 0 0
Loss of Sync Word (LOSWS): 0 0 0 0
Zerar contadores do :
LP_37140496_ID__EFM_2m:clear counters wan1.1-4
Verificar configuração do modem
LP_37140496_ID__EFM_2m# show running-config
aaa off
unit remote
vlan-list add 10 0
vlan-list add 100 0
interface bond wan1 1 4
interface mgt1 ip
interface mgt1 link up
interface mgt1 dhcp none
interface mgt1.1 ip
interface mgt2 ip
interface mgt2 link up
interface mgt2 dhcp none
interface mgt2 switch-port mode access
interface mgt2 switch-port access vlan 100
interface mgt2.1 ip
interface fe1 media auto
interface fe1 link up
interface fe1 oam off
interface fe1 switch-port mode access
interface fe1 switch-port access vlan 10
interface wan1.1-4 annex auto
interface wan1.1-4 psd sym
interface wan1.1-4 pwrbo forced 0
interface wan1.1-4 rate auto
interface wan1.1-4 switch-port mode trunk
interface wan1.1-4 switch-port trunk add 10
interface wan1.1-4 switch-port trunk add 100
ntpclient off
oam mode passive
oam off
route add 1
snmp community no-view public rw
sys contact unknown
sys location unknown
sys name LP_37140496_ID__EFM_2m
sys secret admin 1Er4UuTuXj.96
sys secret guest 1Er4UuTuXj.96
sys timeout 300
sys timezone -3
sshserver off
telnetserver on
webserver on
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